
Crossfit, its definition:

CrossFit is constantly varied high intensity functional movement. Functional movement is natural movements we use everyday. By constantly varying these movements, we ensure that are incorporating all areas of fitness (Cardio, flexibility, stamina, strength, power, speed, coordination, agility, accuracy & balance). Why high intensity? Intensity is where the results are – allowing you to increase your ability in all these areas. Ex: your stronger, faster, more flexible, etc.

Crossfit at the Y is coming up on its one year anniversary.  To see it grow from 3-5 people in the beginning to 20-30 has been exciting but not with some growing pains.  As I’ve learned in owning my own company, if you’re not growing/changing your current systems you’re setting yourself up for failure.  Therefore, going forward Crossfit at the Y will undergo some changes and hopefully make the experience for the novice to the advance athlete more enjoyable.  

Crossfit is an open-source engine, open to anyone’s opinion and I won’t make this discussion any different.  Below are some items that need to be addressed to improve the Crossfit experience at the Y.  Feel free to leave comments/suggestions to any item(s) below while keeping the Crossfit definition in mind.

1. Number of participates/WOD – Ideally this should range from 12-15.  Larger groups can exist but broad work capacities are limited, if not non-existent.

2. Limited resources (equipment in particular) – A very small budget from the Y makes programming Rx’d WOD’s a challenge.  This reduces our ability to incorporate all the types of exercises we need to achieve a balance in all areas of fitness. (Cardio, Flexibility, Stamina, Strength, Power, Speed, Coordination, Accuracy, Agility & Balance). 

3. Set-up / Tear-down – although space isn’t necessarily an issue, set-up/tear-down takes too much time.  Unfortunately this may not have an immediate solution but a better system needs to be established in the meantime.

4. Scaling/Modifying weight – The Rx’d weight posted for each WOD are for intermediate to advance athletes.  Scaling is encouraged for any level of athlete.  To speed up set-up, please check the website the night before the WOD &  determine your weight prior to class. This will ensure the class starts and ends within one hour.


14 Responses to 7/8/12