
Getting closer to the challenge make sure to register.

This WOD is intended to help increase your wall ball rep total for fight gone bad. If you can do 150 wall balls under 10 minutes you should be able to do 30-40 wall ball reps per round during FGB.

Also, Scott and I will review the push press and SDHP (sumo deadlift high pull), two movements in FGB. Please watch the videos below to get a better understanding of each movement.

One last thing, Friday will be a LONG workout! Some of the comments from last years WOD were; completed 9 rounds in 1 hour (but I was suppose to do 12), 6 rounds in 66 minutes (who did 12?). But we are much stronger this year so I doubt that will happen, right? Needless to say, if you need to leave early feel free to otherwise buckle up!


Warm up:

2 Rounds;
30 Mountain Climbers (R+L=1)
30 Flutter Kicks (R+L=1)
5 Front, back and side kicks (R&L leg)
Then…5 sprints wall-to-wall with 30 sec rest between sprint

Xfit WOD:

150 Wall Balls ME (Max Effort)

Post time to comments.


3 Responses to 12/21/2011